Thursday, 21 May 2009

Origami : Crane

Origami means "folding(ori) paper(gami)" using square paper to make the form such as the
animals and plants or the life tool such as cup and hat and more.This is like a beautiful art!
The most well known origami form is the crene.
It has symbol of longevity and purity. When I was primary school, my teacher was in hospital so all students in my class made thousand of Origami cranes and put through the thread one by one with our whole heart and wish get well and sent it to him. Yes, he got out of hospital soon after:)
Today the origami is medically being recognized of prevention and rehabilitation of dementia.
Here is a very useful origami web site ORIGMI CLUB and just follow the animation and you can easily make beautiful crane and other things and also you can print out favorite origami pattern
too! Hope you enjoy making origami paper magic.

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